
22 March 2010

Plenty of Pictures...

Whew! Here we go! This post will surely keep you on the edge of your seat...ready?

So this past week, my lovely sister and her 3 lovely friends spent their spring break in our spare bedroom...and also on the beach, by the pool and at the mall...we had a blast hanging out and playing games with these girls from's a little photo log of some of our events... you all know from my previous post, tyler's birthday was March 9 (a tuesday) ... so i woke up and made him breakfast (baked oatmeal..thanks to buddy's recipe!) brought him Chick-Fil-A for lunch (neither one of us could remember the last time we'd eaten fast food) (but i will say...i maybe messed up the Chick-Fil-A delivery...I brought sugar instead of salt for the waffle fries [i noticed this AFTER i dumped the entire packet..] and forgot the famous sauces to accompany our meal...oops)...i also made him a nice meal for supper, didn't let him help with the dishes and threw him a surprise birthday party on Saturday night (this sounds like an ad for "wife of the year") this picture you can see how i hid the surprise from wednesday to saturday...(as in...a cake, chocolate chip cookies, brownies and chips were hiding right next to the decorations in one of tyler's trunks...) on the day-of i had planned for the two of us and the girls to go to the park in the afternoon, meet up with my partner-in-crime (matt) for supper at a famous barbeque place (where i passed my house key off), and then do some night-time shopping at rice village while matt and his roommates did some last minute errands and decorated the apartment. i'm not trying to brag but it was a great surprise and tyler had no idea. :)
the guys did an excellent job covering the entire apartment with streamers and balloons and even letting Megatron (from Transformers...) come as our party pinata. we were greeted by just about everyone we know here in houston and it was so much fun!
on to the rodeo! yee-haw! tyler had gotten a great deal on the Houston rodeo (the biggest event this city sees, which runs for the entire month of March) which included entrance to the park as well as to the main rodeo and the Black Eyed Peas concert later that night. ty took work off early and we enjoyed an afternoon of walking around the livestock show and the ford truck show (yep)
i thought this was funny, and I know tyler's parents will appreciate this pig having the same name as their golden retriever. like all good livestock shows, there was a "miracle of birth" center and lucky for us, there were no miracles happening while we were there...
just taking a little break from the excitement. even though cari and her friends are very mature and responsible adults (I know they're probably reading this...) we couldn't help but at some times feel like parents. examples: during a game of speed scrabble, tyler 'threatened' to take away their telephones so they would stop texting and focus on the game...and when shopping, i pointed out a bathroom, just in case anyone had to go. :)
some good eats at the rodeo...
and here we have the main attraction: the rodeo. although our seats are clearly above nosebleed, this was probably the most fun i've had in houston so far and we can't wait until next year to go again!
oops. this one is out of place but i just had to show this: me in tyler's camo and tyler in his mustache for Mustache March (an air force tradition...i was nice and let him grow it out for one week)
aaaaand here we have Fergie at the BEP...the single best concert i've ever been to. no opening band, not too long, and Fergie-Ferg doing her thing. (i took this for's during "Big Girls Don't Cry" and i thought of you...)
and just because...after church we stopped at Outback to get our free military bloomin' onion appetizer...and couldn't resist the cheese fries. delicious at the time. now, embarrassing. but i just think a public and photo confession is deserved.

in other news...we didn't make the bed all weekend, i am trying to find a place that will cut my hair for under $50, and i will be starting our wedding thank-you's as soon as i'm done procrastinating on my blog. i start my job a week from TODAY, we move a week from FRIDAY and Easter is two weeks from yesterday. ty and i finally filled out our brackets for March Madness (halfway through the first round) and while mine isn't looking as good as it did at the beginning of yesterday, ty picked kansas to win it all. ha. i had to turn the heat on this morning, just to warm things up from the chilly 67.8 it was in here when i woke up. it's supposed to be in the upper 70's all week...gotta love the warm texas weather...we are currently taking applications for our next visitors!! who wants it? :) thanks for stopping by! have a MARVELOUS MONDAY!

1 comment:

  1. You are TOO stinkin' adorable Danielle. So happy too see the cuteness has not changed after all these years! You seem like such a sweet wife! So glad that you are happy in Texas! Looking forward to more posts :)


thanks for the sweet nothings...