
27 April 2010

Camping... Texas-style

Tyler and I took the opportunity to visit the hill country of Texas a couple weekends ago. We stayed the night in Austin, despite a weekend forecast of rain and headed farther west Saturday morning. It was a very relaxing trip and really only rained for about 15 minutes while we tried starting the fire for supper (which actually took about four hours...we're blaming the firewood...seriously)
we went fishing for a little while on the other side of the park, and of course didn't catch anything using a piece of apple and steak for bait.

so even though we were in the hill country, we were shocked at all the houses and developments that littered the landscape. it seemed like very popular real estate. someone made the comment that texas must be mostly privately owned land, which is why the state parks aren't very big/private vs. other states that have a lot of federal land. which explains this picture and the resort and houses across the "lake" from the park.
tyler was teaching me how to use his canon. pretty sure i forgot everything, but it's going to be fun to play around with.
"pace bend park"

so last week tyler was sick and today i stayed home from work with a fever...i felt a lot better after a good nap most of the morning but wasn't about to go in for the afternoon. we're heading to mississippi for a wedding this weekend. a 6 hour drive for saturday and sunday. we're finally starting to hang pictures and things here in the apartment so the next blog update will be pictures. that's it for now. i'm starting to work weekends coming up in may. three weekends in a row so we can go home for a week to celebrate andrew's graduation and Bre's wedding. back to Parenthood--our favorite show that i highly recommend. :) thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE ME SOME PARENTHOOD! watching as I comment! :)

    Camping looks great! Too bad about working, but exciting for going home for a visit! :))))


thanks for the sweet nothings...