
12 January 2012

when I have nothing else to do...

I really AM going to Las Vegas in less than 24 hours, whether I have the packed bags right now to prove it or not.  In case you're curious, I am sad to be leaving my husband, but I have left him with a fridge full of leftovers, freshly baked banana bread and Frosted Flakes.  He is going hog huntin' tomorrow/Saturday so I'm pretty sure he'll be juuuuust fine. 

Tonight for supper I'm making what I have in my house:
Something with potatoes.  And bacon.  And sausage.  And cheese (pepperjack and cheddar).  It will be a loaded baked potato hotdish of sorts.  And hopefully good.  I offered to take my dear sweet husband out for supper to Cracker Barrel but he declined gracefully.  We might be going there for dessert/course two, depending on my concoction's result.

I cleaned my house yesterday and I think there must be something little black bugs love about the cleaner I use on my floors.  I mean, it is all-natural and smells amazing, but really?  Ev-er-y-time I mop, they appear.  At least 6.  It's getting old. 

I'm glad I cleaned my house yesterday because the maintenance man came to fix our toilet and fan in our bedroom today.  I was gone, but I know he was here because he left me a note.  When he was here fixing our door before Christmas (we have a lot of house problems, don't we?), we had a good little chat about cameras (and since I know nothing about them-he had seen our Canon sitting on the desk-he had a nice chat and I got to practice my listening skills) And when he left he joked about one woman who ran out of her house with a Hershey's chocolate kiss to give him for fixing something at her house (he commented this after seeing my two-month-old stash of Christmas kisses on the tv stand).  Anyways, the note read like this: I BOUGHT A NIKON FOR CHRISTMAS THIS YEAR. I'D GO BACK TO CANON IN A SECOND. ALREADY HAVING LENS PROBLEMS. BY THE WAY, I STOLE A KISS. Tom.

There ya have it.  I'm thinking about watching What Happens In Vegas with my fav, Cameron Diaz, tonight to get pumped for my trip tomorrow. Or to have a good laugh. 

Last random thing (of this post)
Why do people do this:
In case you're not getting my rather vague complaint, what I mean is why do people use the characters on a keyboard meant to show punctuation to make up a weird design/"look at what I'm saying because I put a colon and exclamation marks around it"?  Just curious.  One of my weird facebook pet peeves.  Food for thought: Are online pet peeves in the same category as real-life pet peeves? Like when I stepped in water today while wearing fresh socks (you know, before you've had them on for too long and they've gotten all stretched out) and I didn't have my slippers on?  Since I can't actually do that in the online/cyber world, is it the same category?  And since I can't get mad at people for the punctuation (or lack thereof) they use while typing weird facebook statuses in real-life, are they different?  I digress.

I hope to not be updating my blog while on vacation so I shall see you back here next week!  Ciao!  (Or since I'll be staying in Paris, au revoir!)

1 comment:

  1. Dear Dani, please stop worrying about leaving tomorrow for Vegas and not being ready, for I too am going to Vegas tomorrow and I .... just woke up from a 2 hour nap. I have not packed. I have not cleaned my house. I have not prepared for work tomorrow. I have not made a single decent meal in two weeks. In short, I have not done anything that a grown up is supposed to do. You are doing a GREAT job over there and make me feel like a hot mess/major slacker over here. In other news, now you know why I haven´t written a blog post in awhile. It wouldn´t be pretty.See ya soon!!!!!!!! (ps, i don´t care what the heck brand it is, bring your camera! mine may or may not be off in a war zone somewhere)


thanks for the sweet nothings...