Tonight for supper I'm making what I have in my house:
Something with potatoes. And bacon. And sausage. And cheese (pepperjack and cheddar). It will be a loaded baked potato hotdish of sorts. And hopefully good. I offered to take my dear sweet husband out for supper to Cracker Barrel but he declined gracefully. We might be going there for dessert/course two, depending on my concoction's result.
I'm glad I cleaned my house yesterday because the maintenance man came to fix our toilet and fan in our bedroom today. I was gone, but I know he was here because he left me a note. When he was here fixing our door before Christmas (we have a lot of house problems, don't we?), we had a good little chat about cameras (and since I know nothing about them-he had seen our Canon sitting on the desk-he had a nice chat and I got to practice my listening skills) And when he left he joked about one woman who ran out of her house with a Hershey's chocolate kiss to give him for fixing something at her house (he commented this after seeing my two-month-old stash of Christmas kisses on the tv stand). Anyways, the note read like this: I BOUGHT A NIKON FOR CHRISTMAS THIS YEAR. I'D GO BACK TO CANON IN A SECOND. ALREADY HAVING LENS PROBLEMS. BY THE WAY, I STOLE A KISS. Tom.
There ya have it. I'm thinking about watching What Happens In Vegas with my fav, Cameron Diaz, tonight to get pumped for my trip tomorrow. Or to have a good laugh.
Last random thing (of this post)
Why do people do this:
In case you're not getting my rather vague complaint, what I mean is why do people use the characters on a keyboard meant to show punctuation to make up a weird design/"look at what I'm saying because I put a colon and exclamation marks around it"? Just curious. One of my weird facebook pet peeves. Food for thought: Are online pet peeves in the same category as real-life pet peeves? Like when I stepped in water today while wearing fresh socks (you know, before you've had them on for too long and they've gotten all stretched out) and I didn't have my slippers on? Since I can't actually do that in the online/cyber world, is it the same category? And since I can't get mad at people for the punctuation (or lack thereof) they use while typing weird facebook statuses in real-life, are they different? I digress.
I hope to not be updating my blog while on vacation so I shall see you back here next week! Ciao! (Or since I'll be staying in Paris, au revoir!)
Dear Dani, please stop worrying about leaving tomorrow for Vegas and not being ready, for I too am going to Vegas tomorrow and I .... just woke up from a 2 hour nap. I have not packed. I have not cleaned my house. I have not prepared for work tomorrow. I have not made a single decent meal in two weeks. In short, I have not done anything that a grown up is supposed to do. You are doing a GREAT job over there and make me feel like a hot mess/major slacker over here. In other news, now you know why I haven´t written a blog post in awhile. It wouldn´t be pretty.See ya soon!!!!!!!! (ps, i don´t care what the heck brand it is, bring your camera! mine may or may not be off in a war zone somewhere)