the one i used to stay up late and giggle about boys with...
the one i used to fight about our messy room with...

the one who was an elephant with me and skated around on the ice...
the one that flew to colorado and drove 18 hours back home with me (and a car full of belongings) the next day...

this guy...
(isn't she beautiful?)
and i am a very approving little sister.
(ahem...only littler by 13 months and 8 days)
Congratulations, you two! love you both!
EEEK! HOW exciting! :)
Congrats to the two love birds!
Aww congratulations to them !! I love engagements ;)
I'm stopping by from the blog hop, and I'm your newest follower.
Thats such exciting news1 I can't imagine the day my little sis gets married - lik eyou and your sis, we are very close in age too. Anyways, great blog, I found you on Mingle Monday. xo
Visiting from Mingle Monday! Congratulations to your sister! That's exciting!
Love your blog!
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