alright i can't help it. i don't think i've ever posted about swimsuits, let alone provided pictures but i can't stop gushing about these new suits from jcrew! the outlet mall (a disgusting 40 minutes north west of us) is finally getting a jcrew, but i still haven't found out if it'll be in the next four weeks before we peace outta here. so here are my current droolings: (and while maybe unnecessary, sort of expected, since we're going to hawaii and possibly some other exotic places in just a month) can you blame me??
i've never really been a bikini-wearer but i can't get over the tops here. and the one piece is so we go. these are a little more my style. love love love. don't tell husband i'm looking at these--i went on a shopping freak-out rampage last summer and found the "perfect" new suit after about 8 trips to 14 different stores (in houston that means about 400 hours in the car). he's probably wishing he knew then that perfect means "for this season" and learn, right sweetie? ;)
or this. this might just be perfect. i love it.

seriously? it's just wonderful! i'm finding a store and trying it on. that's all there is to it. :) maybe in the navy blue, though.
alright. i'll stop drooling. time to get my act together and make some supper for tyler. :)
i vote second picture, middle suit. i think it's totally you!
Love those suits! But I just like looking at the suits. Trying them on, with big mirrors and fluorescent lights always make me feel flubbery lol!
Ooh, I love JCrew swimsuits. I bought one a couple of years ago and it fit great (I'll send you a picture). Go for the bikini. You're hot, you're young, why not?
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